6 Random Beats from All Plots

The Good LifeThe Guard Captain wears subtle but extremely expensive adornment. Investigation reveals a lower-class upbringing and a moderate town salary.
Unwanted VisitorsApparitions rising from the sewers cause witnesses to lose their wits.
Vanished ThievesThe Thieves Guild is fortifying their turf because they've lost crew. Nobody lost had pulled any large jobs and all went missing near the darkest parts of olde town.
An Offal TrailA trail of offal leads to a underground lab that is defended by ghoulish cult guards.
A Clandestine ExchangeA clandestine exchange occurs in a dark alley.
Lovers LeapMore distraught folks have been jumping from the bridge called Lover's Leap by locals. The last jumper was said to be a happily married merchant in the caravaner's guild.